Sentence Rearrangement 6th से लेकर Graduation और Competitive Exams तक सभी परीक्षा में आने वाला बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण English Grammer का एक विषय है। इससे संबंधित स्कूल और सरकारी परीक्षाओं में कई सारे प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं।
अगर आप कहीं पर भी Sentence Rearrangement Questions, Sentence Rearrangement PDF, Sentence Rearrangement Shortcuts, Sentence Rearrangement Excercies With Answers या Sentence Rearrangement Worksheet आदि सर्च कर रहे हैं तो खास तौर पर आपके लिए ही यह आर्टिकल लिखा गया है।
सेंटेंस रिअरेंजमेंट को अंग्रेजी में अलग-अलग नाम से भी जाना जाता है। जब हम छठी से लेकर दसवीं कक्षा तक होते हैं तो तब तक इसे Sentence Jumble या Jumbled Word कहा जाता है और यही चीज 11वीं कक्षा से आगे Sentence Rearrangement ( सेंटेंस रिअरेंजमेंट / वाक्य पुनर्व्यवस्था / कमबद्भता ) के नाम से जानते हैं।
Sentence Rearrangement |
इस विषय के अंतर्गत किसी भी इंग्लिश सेंटेंस को आगे पीछे करके अर्थात अवस्थित तरीके से तैयार किया जाता है और फिर हमें उसे अंग्रेजी ग्रामर के नियमों के अनुसार उन्हें पुनः व्यवस्थित करना होता है अर्थात हमें सेंटेंस में दिए गए सभी वर्ड्स को Rearrangement ( रिअरेंजमेंट ) करना होता है।
What is sentence rearrangement | सेंटेंस अरेंजमेंट किसे कहते हैं
सेंटेंस रिअरेंजमेंट अंग्रेजी का एक विषय है जिसके अंतर्गत हम अंग्रेजी के कुछ ऐसे सेंटेंस जिनके Words Order आगे पीछे कर दिए जाते हैं तो उन्हें हमें अंग्रेजी ग्रामर के अनुसार रिअरेंज करना होता है और इसी को अंग्रेजी में Jumbled Words या Sentence Rearrangement कहते हैं।
Rules – Sentence Rearrange करने के कुछ नियम
- सर्वप्रथम आप सेंटेंस में दिए गए सभी शब्दों को ध्यान से देखें और यह समझने का प्रयास करें कि वाक्य किस टेंस का है।
- सेंटेंस में से सभी Subject ( He, She, It, You आदि ) अलग करके दे।
- सेंटेंस में दिए गए सभी Action Verb ( Run, Play, Eat, Jump आदि ) को अलग करें।
- सेंटेंस में दिए गए हेल्पिंग वर्ब और मॉडल की सहायता से सेंटेंस का टेंस समझने का प्रयास करें।
- सेंटेंस में दिए गए प्रीपोजिशन को अलग करके लिखें।
- सेंटेंस में से ऑब्जेक्ट ( Naming Words ) को अलग करें।
Sentence Rearrangement Excercies With Answers – ( Set A )
Scrambled Sentence | Correct Arranged Sentence |
bought, a, He, phone,. new, | He bought a new phone. |
We, the, yesterday,. museum, visited, | We visited the museum yesterday. |
The, teacher, explained, the, clearly., lesson, | The teacher explained the lesson clearly. |
beautifully,. sings, She, | She sings beautifully. |
is, The, cat, itself,. grooming, | ,The cat is grooming itself. |
read, She, a, one, sitting., book, in | She read a book in one sitting. |
woke, up., The, me, alarm, | The alarm woke me up. |
at, work., She, promotion, a, received | She received a promotion at work. |
are, The, construction, house., a, building, workers, | The construction workers are building a house. |
movie., a, watched, We, thrilling, | We watched a thrilling movie. |
He, painted, portrait, friend,. a, of, his, | He painted a portrait of his friend. |
do, not, i, football, play, | I do not play football. |
medal, won, a, in, gold, swimming., She | She won a gold medal in swimming. |
new, for, She, dress, a, bought, party., the | She bought a new dress for the party. |
the, down, on, broke, highway., The, car, | The car broke down on the highway. |
the, is, piano., practicing, He, | He is practicing the piano. |
sat, the, on, The, cat, mat., | The cat sat on the mat. |
studying, the, are, for, They, exam., | They are studying for the exam. |
a, at, new, friend, school., She, made, | She made a new friend at school. |
They, to, yesterday., beach, went, the, | They went to the beach yesterday. |
Sentence Rearrangement Sentences with Answer – ( Set B )
Scrambled Sentence | Correct Rearranged Sentence |
She, her, rode, school., to, bicycle | She rode her bicycle to school. |
are, chirping, in, The, trees., the, birds | The birds are chirping in the trees. |
The, pizza, delicious., was, | The pizza was delicious. |
dinner, cooked, for, He, family., the | He cooked dinner for the family. |
chasing, a, mouse., The, cat, is, | The cat is chasing a mouse. |
on, trip., road, We, a, went, | We went on a road trip. |
The, rain, stopped, suddenly., | The rain stopped suddenly. |
enjoyed, concert., I, the, | I enjoyed the concert. |
in, flowers, the, planted, garden., They, | They planted flowers in the garden. |
She, danced, gracefully, on, stage., | She danced gracefully on stage. |
suddenly., The, computer, crashed | The computer crashed suddenly. |
runs, morning., He, every, | He runs every morning. |
The, children, are, playing, outside., | The children are playing outside. |
The, flowers, bloom, in, spring., | The flowers bloom in spring. |
safely., The, landed, plane, | The plane landed safely. |
played, night., We, board, all, games, | We played board games all night. |
home., forgot, I, keys, my, at, | I forgot my keys at home. |
baby, is, The, loudly., crying, | The baby is crying loudly. |
heartfelt, She, letter., wrote, a, | She wrote a heartfelt letter. |
toys., playing, are, with, children, their, The | The children are playing with their toys. |
Sentence Rearrangement Questions and Answer – ( Set C )
Scrambled Words | Correct Rearranged Sentence |
loudly., The, barks, dog, | The dog barks loudly. |
of, He, the, room., painted, walls, the | He painted the walls of the room. |
won, The, basketball, championship., team, the, | The basketball team won the championship. |
a, on, They, beach., sandcastle, built, the | They built a sandcastle on the beach. |
the, barbecue, backyard., We, had, a, in, | We had a barbecue in the backyard. |
last, a, concert, night,. attended, We, | We attended a concert last night. |
amazing., The, smells, coffee | The coffee smells amazing. |
tire., He, flat, the, fixed, | He fixed the flat tire. |
train, The, time., arrived, on, | The train arrived on time. |
is, with, The, playing, a, toy., baby, | The baby is playing with a toy. |
by, had, a, picnic, the, We, lake., | We had a picnic by the lake. |
broken, He, fixed, chair., the, | He fixed the broken chair. |
the, won, race., He, | He won the race. |
doorbell, is, ringing., The, | The doorbell is ringing. |
a, The, nest., birds, building, are | The birds are building a nest. |
test., are, The, a, students, taking, | The students are taking a test. |
She, knitting, scarf., a, is, | She is knitting a scarf. |
clothes., for, They, shopping, went, | They went shopping for clothes. |
vegetables, the, planted, She, in, backyard., | She planted vegetables in the backyard. |
the, to, store., going, is, She, | She is going to the store. |
Worksheet – Sentence Rearrangement Questions
- on, sleeping, cat, The, is, the, couch.
- wallet., his, lost, He,
- The, is, storm, approaching.
- They, mountain., of, hiked, to, the, the, top
- is, the, floor., baby, crawling, on, The,
- baby, is, laughing, The, joyfully.
- the, garage., in, parked, car, is, The,
- painted, She, beautiful, a, landscape.
- in, sun, rises, east., the, The,
- many, animals., zoo, and, the, saw, We, visited,